Invocation and Prayer

The science of invocation is in reality the intelligent organisation of spiritual energy and of the forces of love, and these, when effective, will evoke the response of spiritual Beings Who can work openly among men and thus establish a close relation and a constant communication between humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy.

It might be said that invocation is of three kinds. There is the massed demand, unconsciously voiced, and the crying appeal, wrung from the hearts of men in all times of crisis such as the present. This invocative cry rises ceaselessly from all men living in the midst of disaster; it is addressed to that power outside themselves which they feel can and should come to their help in their moment of extremity. This great and wordless invocation is rising everywhere today. Then there is the invocational spirit, evidenced by sincere men as they participate in the rites of their religion and take advantage of the opportunity of united worship and prayer to lay their demands for help before God. This group, added to the mass of men, creates a huge body of invocative applicants, and at this time their massed intent is in great evidence and their invocation is rising to the Most High. Then, lastly, there are the trained disciples and aspirants of the world who use certain forms of words, certain carefully defined invocations and who — as they do this — focus the invocative cry and the invocative appeal of the other two groups, giving it right direction and power. All these three groups are, consciously and unconsciously, swinging into activity at this time and their united effort guarantees a resultant evocation.

By invocative prayer or aspiration — it matters not what word is used — spiritual energies are tapped and brought into activity, and by clear thinking, directed thought and mental perception, they can be made objects of human desire.

This Invocation is essentially a prayer, synthesising the highest desire, aspiration and spiritual demand of the very soul of humanity itself. It must be used in that way.

When the trained disciple or the aspirant in training uses it, he will assume the attitude of meditation — that is an attitude of concentration, spiritual direction and receptivity. Then he will pray. He assumes the attitude of meditation (an inner mental attitude and firm assumption), but employs the method of prayer which is a potent means of establishing and maintaining right spiritual and human relations. When in the attitude of meditation and using the implement of prayer (by means of the Invocation), he attains a relationship with the mass of humanity not otherwise possible, he can implement their recognised though unvoiced need, and he also allies himself with the spiritual Hierarchy Who are evoked by the desire of the mass of men.

A gigantic group meditation is going on in many different phases upon our planet. All the meditating units and the reflective groups are related to each other through unity of spiritual motive; they are seeking closer cooperation and endeavouring to bring their meditation work — consciously or unconsciously — into a state of positive universal quiet, so that the formulation of spiritual desire can be carried successfully forward, and the reception of spiritual energy can be a united reception. A great effort towards alignment is going on through individual prayer, meditation and invocation, which, as it strengthens, can serve all humanity.

Each can aid through the regulation of thought and ideas, through the cultivation of a loving spirit and the use of the Great Invocation whereby these spiritual forces and energies — so sorely needed — can be invoked.

Concentrate upon the Invocation from the point of view that it embodies the divine intent and summarises the conclusions of the thinking of God. Concentrate your meditative thinking and your reflective power upon them. Look for the underlying abstract idea in this Invocation. It is there. Use its phrases as “stepping-stones” to certain levels of thought not hitherto attained.