Humanity’s Destiny

These few thoughts may serve to make this Invocation live afresh in your minds and take on a new and vital livingness. It is uniquely related to all true and ancient beliefs. It holds out hope for the future and it is of present import and of practical importance. It is not vague or nebulous. It voices the basic needs of mankind today — the need for light and love, for understanding of the divine will and for the end of evil. It says triumphantly: “Let light descend on earth; may Christ return to earth; let purpose guide the little wills of men; let the Plan…seal the door where evil dwells.” It then sums it all up in the clarion words:

“Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.” Always the emphasis is laid upon the place of appearance and of manifestation: the earth.

You will already have noted — as you have studied the Invocation — a close relation between the first stanza and the final one; humanity’s destiny is to be the exponent of the mind of God, thus expressing active intelligence, motivated by love and implemented by will. That time has not yet come, but if human timing is correct and right desire is potent enough, for the first time in human history this destiny can be publicly recognised and people can be swept increasingly and voluntarily into an activity which is particularly their own destiny. That again is one of the primary objectives of the Invocation; its steady use will bring about an inclusive view of spiritual development and impart a synthesis to human thinking which has hitherto been lacking. As “light shines forth into the minds of men,” the divine Plan will be more widely sensed and the will-to-good will be more widely desired and invoked.

‘This great invocative cry is a threefold cry. It is the cry for light upon the way and light to flow into the dark places of the earth; it is also a cry for more love in the world as voiced by the men of goodwill and of humanitarian attitudes; it is finally, the intuitive appeal of the aspirants and the disciples in the world for the expression of the Will of God. Average instinctual humanity, the men and women of goodwill, and the disciples of the world are all concerned in this invocation, bringing in the attributes of instinct, intelligence and intuition. All are blended in the Great Invocation. Have also constantly in mind this basic fusion, now finding voiced expression, and take courage from the massed approach to the source of all life, love and light. Nothing can withstand the united demand of men everywhere in their graded and serried ranks.

The momentous significance of this presentation of a cosmic, planetary and individual alignment exercise, prayer or invocation is that it provides, as a result of its correct use, a spiritual inflow right to the very heart of humanity and from the highest sources.

The uniqueness connected with the Invocation consists in the fact that it is, in reality, a great method of integration. It links the Father, the Christ and humanity in one great relationship. Christ emphasised ever the Fatherhood of God and substituted it in place of the cruel, jealous tribal Jehovah. In the 17th chapter of St. John’s Gospel (which is another of the major spiritual statements of the world), Christ emphasised the relation of the Christ consciousness to the consciousness of Deity Itself. He linked the concept. of the Spirit to the fully developed soul-infused man; and the underlying unity existing between all beings in all forms and the Father. The Great Invocation relates the will of the Father, the love of the spiritual Hierarchy and the service of Humanity into one great triangle of Energies. This triangle will have two major results: the “sealing of the door where evil dwells”; and the working out through the power of God, let loose on earth through the Invocation, of the Plan of Love and Light.

This Invocation is also unique in the sense that it invokes all the three divine aspects simultaneously.

No one can use this Invocation or prayer for illumination and for love without causing powerful changes in his own attitudes and his life intention; character and goals will be changed and life altered and made spiritually useful. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” is a basic law in nature; the constant turning of the mind to the need for light and the prospect of illumination cannot and will not be ineffectual.

The spiritual Hierarchy of the planet cares only that humanity, as a whole, avails itself of spiritual opportunity. It is an opportunity which is present today in a more compelling way than ever before. The Great Invocation has: been given us at this time of opportunity for our use in cooperation with Those who use it on behalf of humanity.

The Invocation belongs to no one individual or group. It belongs to all humanity. Tens of thousands of people of goodwill throughout the world are using it every day.

The climax to this continuous invocatory appeal is the day of the full moon of June. (This is the full moon of Gemini sometimes occurring in May. The time of the full moon is recognised throughout the world and is not affected by calendar differences.)

On this day a simultaneous and worldwide voicing of the Invocation sounds forth as a great outpouring invocative appeal on behalf of all humanity.

The Festival of June which is so uniquely Christ’s and which emphases His relationship to humanity, in reality covers three whole days, each with a different keynote:

  1. The keynote of Love in its hierarchical sense — free from sentiment, emotion and personal emphasis — a love that sacrifices and understands, that acts with strength and decision and that works on behalf of the whole and not in the interests of any group or individual.
  2. The keynote of Resurrection, emphasising the new note of livingness, of the living Christ and of that “life more abundantly” which the war has made possible by forcing a return to the real values.
  3. The keynote of Contact, of a closer relation between Christ and His people, between the Hierarchy and Humanity.

The word “keynote” has been deliberately chosen and signifies the sound which preceded each major inflow at the May Festival, these energies will be released at a solemn ceremony on each of the three days. At each ceremony the Christ will say the Invocation alone, and then the united Hierarchy will intone the stanza alone, invoking light, love and the will-to-good (one on each of the three days). The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.